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The company is a traditional manufacturer of bedding products such as pillows and comforters. The company also ranks among modern processors of feathers. Our products are distributed to all around the world such as America, Europe and Asia.
We provide subcontracting of machined machine parts and locksmith products for various branches of industry - rehabilitation, pharmaceutical, printing, energy, food, packaging, woodworking and specialized machinery and industrial equipment.
The company is engaged in long-term locomotive rental in the Czech Republic and Europe.
Ponec is a stable engineering manufacturing company that primarily focuses on the custom manufacture of machine parts by metal cutting.
We develop our own hydrogen technology, in particular FUEL CELL fuel cells, mobile hydrogen filling stations and other hydrogen applications.
Cotring has over 20 years of experience in the custom manufacture of light and heavy weldments made of stainless and structural steels.
The company is one of the most important private suppliers of the spare parts needed for the maintenance and repair of railway rolling stock.
Our Czech-owned company was established over 30 years ago and is a world leader in the production specialized electronic poultry scales and extensions for trucks and semitrailers designed to transport day-old chicks.
We are family company, operating since 1999 in machining, welding and locksmithing. Turning from diams 5-106 mm from bar materials and flange machining up to diameter 1000 mm. Milling of small and large components. Welding MIG+TIG.
JS Lucca was established in 2012 and is specialized in decorative personalized sandblasting on glass products (including various atypical shapes) and mirrors, including advertising sandblasting.
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