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You can find your current cookies level setup summary on this page, together with a list of common cookies used on the website.
Following is a list of the most commonly used cookies that Kentico and the web platform stores in your web browser based on how you use our system. You can see the necessary levels, expiration periods and a brief description.
Cookie name | Level | Expiration | Issuer | Description |
CMSCookieLevel | Essential | 1 year | Kentico | Specifies which cookies are allowed by the visitor. |
ASP.NET_SessionId | Essential | session | .NET | Keeps the user session ID for security reasons. |
CMSCsrfCookie | Essential | session | Kentico | Stores a security token that the administration interface uses to validate all form data submitted via POST requests. Helps protect against Cross site request forgery. |
CMSPreferredCulture | Essential | 1 year | Kentico | Stores the visitor's preferred content culture. |
.ASPXFORMSAUTH | Essential | session | .NET | Stores the user's encrypted authentication ticket when using forms authentication. |
KenticoCookiePolicyTest | Essential | 1 minute | Kentico | A dummy cookie used to test whether the user's browser blocks 3rd party cookies. Does not carry any informational value. |
CMSPreferredUICulture | All | 1 year | Kentico | Stores the preferred UI culture of the user. |
CMSAnalyticsData | All | 20 minutes | Kentico | Persists user-related data and is used by Web analytics to keep track of exit page candidates. |
CookieLevelSet | Essential | 1 year | Custom | Stores the information that a choice has been made to select a desired cookie level (therefore showing/hiding the cookie consent). |
...and other cookies, less important or not used at all, issued by the .NET platform or the Kentico content management system. |
All the cookies issued by the Kentico content management system, their description and classification included, can be found here.