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We bring to the market solution, how to recycle construction waste generated during the demolition of old buildings and how to make concrete with comparable parameters as concrete made from natural aggregates. This saves costs and natural resources.
Minimalistic luxury of natural concrete. CRÉER concrete products are characterized by high utility value and elaborated details, combining unique processing technology with timeless design.
HEOS Plast s.r.o. is a young dynamic company producing precise plastic parts and assemblies. The company management has more than twenty years of experience in the field of plastic injection.
Yuuki Company s.r.o., since 2007, develops and manufactures YUUKI menstrual cups.
Production of agricultural machinery, especially ploughs, disc harrows, weeders and other accessories.
We produce perfumes, cosmetics, laundry perfumes, home diffusers and sprays under private label. We are a sole distributor of several manufacturers of tubes, cosmetics and food suplement packaging in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. MOQ from 100 pcs.
Crunchy worms - dried worms are fantastically crunchy, but unlike chips, they are not fried in oil, but dried in hot air, they do not contain any sugar, lactose, antibiotics, they are without chemicals and without preservatives.
Naturprodukt has been operating on the Czech and Slovak markets for more than 30 years. In the last decade, the company has focused on the development of its own products (mainly food supplements).
We are the bigest producer of fruit Moravian wines.
Flexi blending offers companies worldwide a wide range of services: from recipe development to purchasing, blending, sieving and breaking, to packaging and repackaging, storage and distribution of premix.
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