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ArtCrystal Tomeš s.r.o. is a family company with a long tradition based in Jablonec nad Nisou. The company specializes in the sale of Czech crystal chandeliers.
The main production programme of the company with a brand name NOVATOP are multi-layer panels NOVATOP SWP and the NOVATOP SYSTEM – a comprehensive building system using solid cross-laminated timber (CLT).
Specialist in series and mass metal production
Your partner for first-class machine tools. We are your connection to precision, innovation and performance in the world of High-End machine tool since 1911.
LABORTECH develops and manufactures testing machines, equipment and automatization. Thanks to our own innovative developments, comprehensive portfolio and superior service, we provide our customers with a comprehensive service in the field of material testing in many industries.
COLORLAK, a.s. is the largest Czech manufacturer of paint materials since 1925. Our company has its foundations in its history, we have been supplying paints to the market for almost 100 years. We offer comprehensive services.
The company Classic Cotton s.r.o. is a manufacturer of a very wide range of yarns from natural and artificial fibers. We mainly specialize in mixtures with linen and thus try to get closer to the current direction - a return to natural fibers.
We produce machines for silvicultural operations and concentrating timber in tractor and cable terrains. Their parameters are suitable for use in protected landscape areas and national parks.
Mikroelektronika spol. s r.o. is an original Czech company with 30 years of tradition, which offers its experience in two main fields of activity - systems for public transport (AFC) and custom-made electronics (EMS).
MOUKA TIŠNOV, s.r.o. is a Czech family company with tradition since 1842. We develop and manufacture non-elastic textile webbings and trimmings from both synthetic and natural yarns. We export our products to more than 30 countries in the world.
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