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PARTORY is a digital factory with unlimited machinery, specializing in metal parts. We offer a turnkey service, including product samples, custom packaging, and quality control.
The JACOB company manufactures and supplies pipe systems that are exceptional with their modular solutions. In our offer you will find more than 8,500 items. We also manufacture magnetic separators and supply rotary feeders from partner company VDL.
We develop and manufacture GPS devices (different types for different purposes) and run the Positrex service - a monitoring system/web app or mobile app. Our GPS devices have use in fleet tracking, railways and intermodal transport.
We are a Czech family company. We focus on sheet metal procesing, welding and machining.
A leading suplier of security solutions for the defence industry, critical infrastructure and civil defence that protect people, business and society. Advice and consultation of our team of experts and scientists. Safety is our highest priority!
We manufacture optical measuring devices and software for deformation measurement. We provide the complete lifecycle of our products from research and development, through manufacturing, customization, implementation, service, and technical support.
We are a Czech manufacturing company with a 25-year tradition. We focus on the precise processing of steel, stainless steel and other noble sheets into finished assembly parts.
A family craft brewery wich brews beer since 2011 that focuses on brewing a variety of beer styles. The brewery offers beers in 5l, 15l, 30l and 50l kegs or 1l PET bottles and 0.75l glass. Some beers are also available in cans.
One of the largest Czech producers of hydraulics cylinders - linear hydraulic motors, hydraulics systems and hoses. Supplier of steel material and other components for hydraulic and pneumatic sector.
moTV is a European company of committed professionals with many years of experience in the field television business from Central and South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. We provide a complete ecosystem for pay internet TV operators.
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