Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
MARS Svratka a.s. deals with metal processing - especially pressing, welding, surface treatment and assembly. We provide the production of products according to the customer's requirements and needs, design and manufacture of tools and fixtures.
Development and production of technologies for municipalities and cities for repair and maintenance of roads. Manufacture of cable lifts and retractable winches for power engineering. INFRASET®, INFRAWEED® and UNIWEED®.
A leading Czech manufacturer of hemp and organic cosmetics. We develop products of the highest quality with the use of natural active substances and with high added value, both consumer and environment friendly.
Production of injected, painted and assembled plastic parts. We produce protective products and parts for the automotive, pharmaceutical and electrical industries.
Production and construction of self-service transportable petrol stations of AVK series. No building permit needed, easy manipulation. We are the only producer of this kind in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The company focuses on research, development and application of photocatalytic antibacterial technologies for surface treatment. These are mainly natural building materials (limestone, sandstone, travertine),structural and lime plasters and concrete.
BOK & LK s.r.o. is a social company whose main product is Priessnitz wraps, which it has been successfully specializing for 3 years and has become one of the best-selling medical products to help with colds, joints pain or tired muscles.
We are a reliable partner in AV technology. We will prepare a complete solution from the design to the project and the realization. We have many years of experience with AV solutions and manufacturers of MAGICBOX-best interactive aids for children.
Machining and delivery of composite materials - paper-phenolic, cotton-phenolic, glass-epoxy, polyurethane, engineering plastics - PET, PA, POM, PPE, ABS. Production of parts according to drawing and 3D. Delivery of material in the form of boards.
The RIHO company is producer of acrylics baths, SOLID SURFACE BATHS, whirpools, bath screens, shower screens, swhower trays, bath furniture
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