Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
We are a Czech family company. We focus on sheet metal procesing, welding and machining.
We are the bigest producer of fruit Moravian wines.
Manufacturing and distribution of textile architecture, flexi tanks, work wear and rubber bands.
The main activity of the company SOLLAU s. r. o. is the development, production and application of magnetic separators according to clients' individual needs. SOLLAU products are characterized by a high-quality workmanship and an attractive design.
The joint-stock company SOLO MATCHES & FLAMES, a.s. is a sales leader in terms of matches and flame products on Czech and international market under SOLO brand, which refers to more than 175 years of manufacturing and trade.
Sony DADC is one of the leading end-to-end supply chain service providers. Offering world-class supply chain solutions, assembly & kitting, distribution, as well as key business services from order management to cash collection and customer services.
SOPHIA has been successfully delivering specialised translations and interpreting since 1993 primarily to energy companies, manufacturing and trading companies, insurance companies, banks and law firms. Today it serves customers in all continents.
Testing, Inspection & Certification company with more than 100 years of experience and a worldwide scope of activity and Notified Body 1015 accredited for assessment of conformity according to EU legislation.
Strunal Schönbach, known also as the former Cremona brand, is a traditional producer of string musical instruments, whose craftsmanship dates back more than three centuries. The factory is located in the picturesque town of Luby in the Czech.
Czech family company without a share of foreign capital. Produce disposable certified alcoholtests and other detection devices. Shape welding of the foil and ice cube bags production.
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