Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
JS Lucca was established in 2012 and is specialized in decorative personalized sandblasting on glass products (including various atypical shapes) and mirrors, including advertising sandblasting.
JSP is a leading Czech producer and supplier of instrumentation and control equipment. Our activities are sales of own products, deliveries of measurement packages and turn-key projects including engineering, installation, training and maintenance.
Leading Czech manufacturer of ball valves and check valves intended for harsh industrial environments, especially in the fields of oil & gas industry, power engineering, heat, chemical and petrochemical industries.
Development and production of food supplements, cosmetics and unique hard boiled lozenges (luxury candies) from non-traditional herbs with a high content of herbal extract and a unique taste. Suitable for diabetics, vegans and allergy sufferers.
We are producer of plastic parts for automotive - mainly visual parts to head lamps and rear lamps, we have own toolshop, we make a metallization of plastic parts and we have automatic assembly.
LABORTECH develops and manufactures testing machines, equipment and automatization. Thanks to our own innovative developments, comprehensive portfolio and superior service, we provide our customers with a comprehensive service in the field of material testing in many industries.
We deliver corrugated boxes tailor-made for your goods, paper bags with print, adhesive tapes with print etc. We are specialised in small batches, specialties, big dimensions, short delivery terms.
Czech company with 30 years of experience in the domestic and foreign markets. The biggest manufacturer of greenhouses and products for the garden made of zinc-coated metal sheets.
We produce perfumes, cosmetics, laundry perfumes, home diffusers and sprays under private label. We are a sole distributor of several manufacturers of tubes, cosmetics and food suplement packaging in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. MOQ from 100 pcs.
MANUFAKTURA is a unique Czech cosmetics brancd with its own store network. MANUFAKTURA beauty products are characterized by a high content of natural ingredients and imaginative recipes inspired by history, tradition and nature around us.
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