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Production, development and export of therapeutic devices of patented 3D pulse therapy for clinical use and rehabilitation in home care. Biomag® therapeutic equipment is successfully delivered to more than 30 countries worldwide.
We are an engineering company with tradition since 1949. We offer turn-key solutions in oil and gas, food industry, chemical industry and cryotechnology. We also offer civil works projects delivery focused on industrial plants development.
Benvig Heat Transfer spol. s r.o. is a mechanical engineering company with a history dating back to the early nineties of the last century, and with its production and services rendered it is focused on equipment and systems of heat transfer.
LAKUM - AP is part of the LAKUM Group, which manages cataphoresis and powder painting, zinc plating, equipment for CNC metal sheet processing and wide range of mechanical presses.
D2Drives (formerly KVELB) is one of the premium distributors of industrial drive solutions in the Czech Republic. As a major Siemens Solution Partner, the company holds qualified authorisations to modify almost all types of electrical motors.
Development and production of technologies for municipalities and cities for repair and maintenance of roads. Manufacture of cable lifts and retractable winches for power engineering. INFRASET®, INFRAWEED® and UNIWEED®.
The ACER VOLTAGE Ltd. company was founded in 1992 in Hradec Kralove, originally called ACER. It is a purely Czech company which is engaged in the development and production of surge arresters and overvoltage limiters for the protection of LV and HV.
We are producer of food supplements for health, beauty, in the form of tablets, capsules, powders , liquids, syrups. Certification: HACCP, GMP
BAEST Machines & Structures, a.s. is a Czech engineering company with a focus on medium to heavy engineering production, supplies for power engineering, heating, chemistry, petrochemistry, engineering, construction and ecology.
The Czech manufacturer of precision electromagnetic (inductive) flowmeters, supplier of the PTFE linings and the PTFE semi-finished products with a production history dating back to 1989.
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