Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Chemical Industry
Production, custom production, development and distribution of cosmetics, food supplements and veterinary preparations based on herbal preparations. Vegan products. Eco packaging. Not tested on animals.
Company has long-term experience in the production of protective full face masks. We also focus on the production of rubber and plastic parts for the automotive industry. The production of protective masks began in 1935, when our company was founded.
Producer of rubber compounds and impregnated, spread-coated and coated fabrics with rubber, silicone, PUR and PVC - used for civil engineering, automotive, industry, seals, aprons, working cloths and flooring.
Development and production of nanotechnology, nanopolymers, industrial and construction chemicals. UNIQUE antibacterial and antiviral protection IMPAGUARD GCA with a certified life of 120 days and FOOD certificate. Nano car and boat protection.
Kabelovna Kabex a.s. is a manufacturer of special halogen-free, fire-retardant and fire-resistant cables intended mainly for energy, including nuclear power plants, refineries, the chemical industry and tunnel construction.
Manufacturing of medium and large steel constructions and technological equipment, 25 years of experience, quality, supplies for engineering, metallurgical, chemical and power engineering industry, ISO 9001, ISO 3834-2:2006, EN 1090-2+A1 up to class EXC3
Leading Czech manufacturer of ball valves and check valves intended for harsh industrial environments, especially in the fields of oil & gas industry, power engineering, heat, chemical and petrochemical industries.
Design, production and implementation of assembled (bolted) steel storage tanks and silos of the highest quality.
KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, a.s. is a manufacturer of equipment for the chemical and petrochemical industry, as well as for the power generation industry. The company also manufactures cranes with lifting capacity up to 450 tons and large welded steel structures.
LABTECH develops and manufactures dedicated high performance Helium Leak Detection Testing Systems for product leakage measurement and systems for Material Testing
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