Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Chemical Industry
The Czech manufacturer of precision electromagnetic (inductive) flowmeters, supplier of the PTFE linings and the PTFE semi-finished products with a production history dating back to 1989.
We produce perfumes, cosmetics, laundry perfumes, home diffusers and sprays under private label. We are a sole distributor of several manufacturers of tubes, cosmetics and food suplement packaging in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. MOQ from 100 pcs.
MANUFAKTURA is a unique Czech cosmetics brancd with its own store network. MANUFAKTURA beauty products are characterized by a high content of natural ingredients and imaginative recipes inspired by history, tradition and nature around us.
MemBrain s.r.o. is a research, engineering and technology company that focuses mainly on research and innovation activities in the field of membrane processes, particularly the transfer of research results into commercial practice.
Merebit has been dealing with the measurement, automation, and robotic development and research, designing and producing of specialized laboratory machines and equipment in the field of medical research and biotechnologies.
METAL ARSENAL is an established Czech company with 25 years of experience in the metalworking industry, we provide design and development work. Since 2010, we have been developing and selling folding products for environmental protection - Eccotarp.
Development & production of top-quality nano materials for health care, cosmetics and filtering. Made in the Czech Republic, tested and CE certified.
Based in the Czech Republic, an innovative company Nanologix was founded with the aim of commercializing research and development of respiratory masks with a common inspiratory and expiratory valve. The main goal of this company is to innovate.
A leading Czech manufacturer of hemp and organic cosmetics. We develop products of the highest quality with the use of natural active substances and with high added value, both consumer and environment friendly.
NOMATECH s.r.o., Czech manufacturer of packaging, cartoning, bagging, robotic machines and complete lines and other devices into the whole world. Machinery suitable for food, chemical, pharmaceutical or construction industries.
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