Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Elektronika a elektrotechnika
Mikroelektronika spol. s r.o. is an original Czech company with 30 years of tradition, which offers its experience in two main fields of activity - systems for public transport (AFC) and custom-made electronics (EMS).
Company MODUS was established more than 20 years ago and actually it is one of the most important producers of lighting fittings in Czech Republic and one of the most important exporters in this industrial sector.
Deal with cogeneration since 1992. MOTORGAS is important Czech manufacturer of cogeneration units with gas engines. Exports to Europe and USA. We are looking for partners in other countries with the possibility of production under a private label.
Traction LTO batteries for electric vehicles, Battery energy storage for power, industry and households, Battery sets backup power supplies, industrial vehicles, military applications, Altairnano LTO modules and cells.
Traditional Czech manufacturer of electrical materials, plastic and metal parts, molds and tools. Installation of wiring harnesses. OEM custom manufacturing including assembly.
Our brand represents a company with over 75 years of tradition in the development and production of low-voltage breaking devices. OEZ is a complex supplier of products and services in the field of the low-voltage electrical circuits.
OPTOKON, a.s. is a leading global organization providing connectivity and infrastructure solutions for organizations of all sizes. OPTOKON, an ISO & AQAP approved company provides complete networking solutions unrivalled within the industry today.
Czech lighting producer with over 28 years of tradition. The company offers a diverse range of design luminaires with a wide range of equipment , including LED systems of its own design.
Pealock - a compact and smart lock that helps people all over the world to protect their sports equipment such as skis, bicycles, scooters, strollers, etc. Pealock has a motion sensor, an integrated alarm and is connected to the user's phone.
We are a reliable partner in AV technology. We will prepare a complete solution from the design to the project and the realization. We have many years of experience with AV solutions and manufacturers of MAGICBOX-best interactive aids for children.
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