Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Elektronika a elektrotechnika
We develop and manufacture queue management systems and equipment, digital text and graphic LED panels, self payment kiosk, intelligent touch industrial displays, clocks and synchronized clock systems. We also implement custom and atypical equipment.
We are a Czech-Taiwanese company founded in 2008. We collaborate with companies from the Czech Republic and abroad (Germany, Austria, ...). Our focus: Manufacturing and sale of furniture components, Facilitation of custom parts production
Production of safety bicycle stands, charging stations for electric bicycles and parking boxes for bicycles. Production of a standing dispenser for hand disinfection.
LABTECH develops and manufactures dedicated high performance Helium Leak Detection Testing Systems for product leakage measurement and systems for Material Testing
We develop and manufacture GPS devices (different types for different purposes) and run the Positrex service - a monitoring system/web app or mobile app. Our GPS devices have use in fleet tracking, railways and intermodal transport.
We are the only Czech manufacturer of Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System in the Czech Republic and we continue on history of its production since the early 70s of the 20th century.
We design and develop embedded and electronic systems, software solutions, and test systems. We integrate vehicle electronic systems and networks.
Development, production and sale of aircraft instruments, military communication systems and industrial products. The products are used aboard aircraft on all continents and perform demanding tasks on vehicles of the Czech Armed Forces.
We belong to major European producers of aluminium castings made by investment casting method (lost wax process) with the focus on customers in aerospace industry. We are also respected manufacturer of injection moulds for plastics.
MICOS TELCOM s.r.o, is an established telecommunication manufacturer of passive components with 30 year long history, based in the Czech Republic. We are part of PLP group, exporting into more than 60 countries.
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