Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
медицинская техника
LINET spol. s r.o. is a part of LINET Group SE, a leading global supplier of hospital beds. The company’s success is based on innovations that help improve the standards of healthcare in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Mediware a.s. is a Czech company focused on developing and distributing software solutions for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) and Model-Informed Precision Dosing (MIPD). Our products were awarded as the best choice for TDM.
Merebit has been dealing with the measurement, automation, and robotic development and research, designing and producing of specialized laboratory machines and equipment in the field of medical research and biotechnologies.
We offer custom-made production of machined parts including heat and surface treatments. We are equipped with assembly department for electro-mechanical sets. We also arrange metal-sheet processing and locksmith works. We focus on customers from EU.
Traditional Czech manufacturer of electrical materials, plastic and metal parts, molds and tools. Installation of wiring harnesses. OEM custom manufacturing including assembly.
We offer our customers the entire process of part production – from support during the development of parts, to design, production and tuning of cutting-edge tools, to serial production of precision parts with thermoplastic injection moulding.
BOK & LK s.r.o. is a social company whose main product is Priessnitz wraps, which it has been successfully specializing for 3 years and has become one of the best-selling medical products to help with colds, joints pain or tired muscles.
Czech manufacturer of medical and nursing beds. The company specializes in high-quality hospital beds for both critical and urgent care, as well as beds for standard wards.
Rescue Trailer s.r.o. develops modular tactical trailers for rescue and security forces, enhancing logistics, mobility, and operations in defense and civil sectors, tailored to meet global needs during critical situations.
We are a small family company that specializes in the production of complete parts and the supply of semi-finished thermoplastics. We offer: Machining, Welding and Bending plastics, Assembly of parts, Parts for Food Grade, Construction of the parts.
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