Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Industria alimentare
We are a producer of healthy fruit bars from purely natural sources. We use only the highest quality ingredients - no added sugar, vegan, gluten free, preservative free, raw.
Mineral waters and beers, one company - two worlds. The history of the brewery, which produces beer in the traditional Czech way, dates back to 1573. Mineral water, which contains a natural source of iron, has been used from the local source since 1193.
Coffeenek Café s.r.o. is a producer of coffee nectar Coffeenek. This coffee sweetener is primarily used for sweetening and flavoring coffee drinks, or as a topping for pancakes, ice cream or milk products, for example cottage cheese or kefir.
Our company offers a complete service in the brewing industry from A-Z. We produce, design and audit small restaurant breweries and big beer producers. We are beer experts, combining experience, professional approach and highest quality equipment.
Destila, s.r.o. manufactures, supplies and puts into operation mini-breweries, small industrial breweries, distillation and filtration equipment. We have been supplying breweries since 1947 and we have almost a hundred of them all over the world.
Dibaq a.s., a specialist in animal nutrition, is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of feeds for pets and farm animals. Dibaq a.s. is an independent producer - we always want to produce the best food for our pets.
DIMI Trade is a wholesaler for Asian cuisine. We are direct importer of spices, rice and pulses and exclusive importer of M&S coconut milk to Europe. We know how to achieve the authenticity of Asian cuisine whether cooking at home or in restaurants.
The agro-food company that has been producing snack bars for over 25 years and produces about 50 million bars per year under the Twiggy brand and a private brand.
Emco focuses on the production and distribution of high quality and healthy lifestyle food products. These include crunchy and traditional müsli, müsli biscuits, nut and fruit bars and corn and wholemeal cereals.
Manufacturing company ENERGO CHOCEN, successor of company ČKD, continues tradition of production such as high capacity compressor units, heat exchangers, pressure vessels etc. ENERGO provides a full complex of works as EPC contractor.
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