Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Industrie de l'énergie
Important supplier of solid fuels (brown coal, black coal, briquettes, coke, biomass) throughout Europe. We also provide transport and logistics by means of our own or contractual vehicle and trains (unpacked as well as palleted goods).
Our company has continual dynamic growth in all long. Nowadays we have established a significant position among producers of special electronics and Automatic Fuel Samplers especially for mining industry and power industry.
Energon AE is a Czech design and manufacturing company founded in Brno in 2011. It specializes in large-capacity battery systems and their interconnection with PV and wind power plants and fast charging stations. It forms part of the ENERGON HOLDING.
Engineering company specialized in supply of technologies and implementation of turnkey projects in the area of power engineering on the eastern markets.
World’s largest producer of cast basalt products with the tradition since 1951. Czech firm exporting its products of high-quality basalt almost all over the world. Wide application of abrasion and chemical resistant products in many industries.
EVECO Brno is Czech research, engineering & supply company that focuses on efficient solutions in the area of thermal process, energy use of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, heat utilization, flue gas cleaning and supply of related technologies.
G&Em s.r.o. is a young company of dynamic designers who manufacture electric machines - we specialise in generators for small hydroelectric power plants up to 7 MVA.
We provide comprehensive services in the field of supply of LV switchboards, including the production itself, preparation of design and technical documentation, as well as installation of equipment.
Hansen Electric is a highly developed company which is using modern technologies and know how in order to provide development, design, production, installation and maintenance for electric equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Czech engineering company engaged in the custom manufacturing of steel components for transformers for the power industry and production of chassis and other accessories of trucks especially for the transport of wood.
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