Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Industrie de l'énergie
The core business of the company BV elektronik, s.r.o. is development and production of transformers, chokes and other inductive components for a wide range of industrial applications. We can find the best solutions to meet your requirements.
A supplier of complete small hydro equipment with Crossflow, Pelton, Kaplan and Francis turbines with capacity up to 10 MW per unit.
CWS s.r.o. company is a manufacturing and trading company that develops and manufactures mainly plastic products for the protection of cables and other utilities.
VZLU is a national center for research, development and testing in aeronautics and space. The primary mission of VZLU is to pursue fundamental, industrial research and experimental development. Located in Prague.
The aim of this company is to support, with the help of investors, generally beneficial projects with a focus on sustainable development (projects from the areas of social business, environmental protection and renewable resources support)
EcoGlass,a.s. is a Czech-based company manufacturing molded precision glass components dedicated to lighting applications for automotive, airfield lighting or components for solar power plants, LED systems or decorative purposes.
We provide an extensive range of electrical services for the commercial and industrial sectors across Europe
The EKOL spol., s.r.o. is a flexible fast-growing Czech company established in1991. At present it is a respected European manufacturer and supplier of heat and power generating plants.
ELEKTROKOV, a.s. ZNOJMO is important Czech producer of transformers, chokes and winding parts.
ELEKTROSVIT Svatoborice, a.s. is Czech manufacturer of electrical lighting units with over a hundred-year tradition. The specialty of our production program is explosion-proof light fittings designed for fire and explosion risk (Ex) areas.
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