Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Pharmaceutical Industry
We specialize in the manufacture and distribution of pure, laboratory and specialty chemicals. We also supply a wide range of organic and inorganic chemicals in large volumes, with a quality ranging from technical to pure, to a.g. and ACS grades.
BOK & LK s.r.o. is a social company whose main product is Priessnitz wraps, which it has been successfully specializing for 3 years and has become one of the best-selling medical products to help with colds, joints pain or tired muscles.
We are Czech manufacturer of industrial pump units for refineries, chemistry, energy and water management. Our factory is equipped with the latest hydraulic testing bench in the Czech Republic and we do custom production piece by piece.
We produce herbal products (capsules, tea, tinctures...). We offer custom production and we also have our own concept and a range of herbal products. We pay special attention to the quality of the product and we primarily use Czech herbs.
We are a small family company that specializes in the production of complete parts and the supply of semi-finished thermoplastics. We offer: Machining, Welding and Bending plastics, Assembly of parts, Parts for Food Grade, Construction of the parts.
In the field of technical and high gloss polishing, laser engraving, laser welding and surfacing the company has been providing first class services to all its customers and business partners right from the beginning. We also offer mould service and repairs.
The main activity of the company SOLLAU s. r. o. is the development, production and application of magnetic separators according to clients' individual needs. SOLLAU products are characterized by a high-quality workmanship and an attractive design.
SOPHIA has been successfully delivering specialised translations and interpreting since 1993 primarily to energy companies, manufacturing and trading companies, insurance companies, banks and law firms. Today it serves customers in all continents.
STREICHER, spol. s r.o. Pilsen is a mechanical engineering company with long-term experience in manufacturing special equipment, machinery and components in fields where vacuum technology is used.
Our company operating in the design and production of special purpose machines, equipments and production lines. We provide design and construction of the stand-alone devices and also of interconnected production systems or accessories
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