Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Company Pražská čokoláda LLC is producer of Steiner & Kovarik brand. Web:
STREICHER, spol. s r.o. Pilsen is a mechanical engineering company with long-term experience in manufacturing special equipment, machinery and components in fields where vacuum technology is used.
Our company operating in the design and production of special purpose machines, equipments and production lines. We provide design and construction of the stand-alone devices and also of interconnected production systems or accessories
Producer of frozen cakes and exporter to 20 countries.
We are the leading manufacturer of petfood for dogs and cats, feed additives, specialized feeds and special feed preparations intended for compound feed producers and livestock breeders.
The Candy Plus Sweet Factory was founded in 2000 and is based in Rohatec. We are a producer of gelatine and pectin sweets, vitamin jelly, fruit sticks and strips, liquorice candies, pastilles and lollipops.
Brewery brews all its beers according to the traditional double-mashed technology which means that the beer is fermented in open vats in horizontal lagering tanks for 40-60 days. Brewery only uses the highest quality Czech raw materials.
Our Czech-owned company was established over 30 years ago and is a world leader in the production specialized electronic poultry scales and extensions for trucks and semitrailers designed to transport day-old chicks.
We are VEST - the biggest family company founded in 1996 in the Czech Republic. Today we belong among the most important producers and distributors of salty snacks not only in the Czech Republic, but also in whole Europe.
VITAR Veterinae produces a range of products for cats, dogs and horses - vitamins, minerals and food supplements. Established in 2014 as a subsidiary of VITAR s.r.o., it has been operating successfully on the domestic market and abroad since 1990.
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