Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Allgemeine Mechanik und Feinmechanik, Industriemaschinen und schwere Maschinen
LABORTECH develops and manufactures testing machines, equipment and automatization. Thanks to our own innovative developments, comprehensive portfolio and superior service, we provide our customers with a comprehensive service in the field of material testing in many industries.
LAKUM - AP is part of the LAKUM Group, which manages cataphoresis and powder painting, zinc plating, equipment for CNC metal sheet processing and wide range of mechanical presses.
Do you use sheet metal parts in your products? Do you outsource their production? We are Lakum, a specialist in the working of sheet metal, tubes, wire and surface treatment. We will manufacture your parts at a perfect quality standard.
We offer the highest quality machinery and tooling for production of components and assemblies for industrial and handling equipment, agricultural machinery, subways, etc. In-time deivery, ensured quality and a satisfied customer are our goals.
We develop and manufacture GPS devices (different types for different purposes) and run the Positrex service - a monitoring system/web app or mobile app. Our GPS devices have use in fleet tracking, railways and intermodal transport.
Specialist for metal and sheet metal processing - laser cutting, pressing, bending, punching, welding, milling, turning, surface finishing, assembly and more..
Our company provides machining parts on CNC machine tools in one-off production and serial production. We are a growing company that provides custom production for various branches of industry within the Czech Republic and abroad.
The modular robotics „machine“ is the user-friendly solution of your production process automation with the sophisticated design, fast delivery and easy maintenance. Build a modular workplace with us – you will be faster and save at the same time!
MARS Svratka a.s. deals with metal processing - especially pressing, welding, surface treatment and assembly. We provide the production of products according to the customer's requirements and needs, design and manufacture of tools and fixtures.
High-tech company offering processing of metal by power laser and integration of automation systems and robotic workplaces. We offer hardening of moulds, gears, tools and other parts. Cladding and renovation of machine parts and shafts. Welding
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