Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Strojírenství - výroba strojů a techniky
Custom manufacturer of sheet metal parts and welded assemblies including galvanizing or comaxite finishes. Manufacturer of rack systems MAGNUS, TEXO and GRADUS for storage of whole and residual sheets of sheets, profiles and goods on pallets.
DEPROX s.r.o. is producer of single-use machines and preparation tools from development to production. For customers we offered machining of parts - milling, turning, grinding, wiring Certification: EN ISO 9001:2016 Arms license (class A,B,C,D,E)
Destila, s.r.o. manufactures, supplies and puts into operation mini-breweries, small industrial breweries, distillation and filtration equipment. We have been supplying breweries since 1947 and we have almost a hundred of them all over the world.
Our specialization is precision machining on conventional and CNC machines along with mechanical assembly and surface treatments. Thanks to a wide range of other technologies, we offer a quick solution under one roof. ONE STOP SHOP
Since 2003 DOMKAT, s.r.o. has been engaged of developing and manufacturing the hydraulic actuators (pumps, jacks). Owing to their specific features are used in the furniture industry mainly for manufacturing the height adjustable furniture.
DSP Prerov manufactures and assembles machinery and equipment for mineral processing. It includes crushers, vibrating screens, feeders, mobile equipment, aggregate washing machines, dewatering wheels, technological units and technological lines.
Comprehensive services from the design and implementation of heat management systems (boiler rooms, heat exchangers,…), including measurement and control, to custom manufacturing of technological elements or sales and service of specialized products.
We provide an extensive range of electrical services for the commercial and industrial sectors across Europe
Pickling lines for carbon and stainless steel and special allos; Waste water treatment equipment; Hot dip galvcanizing lines; Storage tanks and parts for corrosion agressive media; Exhausting system of corrosion agressive media
Our area of expertise is precision machining (CNC Milling, CNC Turning, CNC EDM, grinding) and engineering. We specialize in contract manufacturing of small to medium series, including production of complex precision parts.
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