Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
разные виды транспортного и подъемно-транспортного оборудования
Global provider of HW and SW solutions in Automotive, Aerospace, Cargo, Embedded Computing, IoT and Telematics, Industry 4.0, Design and OEM Production
The company is focused on outsourcing in the field of electronics development. That includes embedded systems, industrial computers and other consumer electronics. Hardware design, firmware implementation and software for OS and mobile applications.
ELEKTROKOV, a.s. ZNOJMO is important Czech producer of transformers, chokes and winding parts.
ERA is a Czech, modern and innovative company with focus on NextGen surveillance technologies. ERA develops, manufactures and implements mission-critical systems for military and civil purposes.
Company Ferram was founded in 1991 and is located in Opava. We are manufacturing company strongly oriented on foreign markets.
Sale of metallurgical materiál, metal scrap collecting, ecological liquidation of car wrecks, Production of steel grating, bending of reinforcing steel, Production of atypical meshes, cutting of pipes and metal scheets using laser and plasma.
The company FORM s.r.o. produces and supplies plastic components mainly designed for machines, vehicles, and other equipment. The technological equipment allows offering parts made of both thermoplastics and composites.
Manufacturing of aluminum and stainless steel components for rail and air transport, and the energy, defense and construction industries. Certifications: DIN EN 15085-2 (CL1), EN 1090-1 (EXC3), EN ISO 3834-2, EN ISO 9001:2016,
Green Center s.r.o. is one of the leading companies in the parking technology in Central and Eastern Europe. Our main goal is to supply high quality innovative products and provide complete solutions in the area of parking systems.
Hansen Electric is a highly developed company which is using modern technologies and know how in order to provide development, design, production, installation and maintenance for electric equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres.
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