Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
медицинская техника
Advanced Engineering s.r.o. offers engineering services in automotive, aerospace, rail and general machinery industries. Advanced Engineering is focusing on CAE and static simulations, crash tests, optimization, CFD, EM, metal 3D printing, etc.
The leading Czech manufacturer of medical devices - compression and antithrombotic stockings, orthopedic bandages, diabetic socks, lymphatic sleeves; and sports compression products. Innovative approach, own R&D, guaranteed quality.
Auspi Europe is the right partner for PCB, FPC supplies, electronic assembly or assembly of finished products.
Manufacturer of orthopedic implants and instruments for more than 25 years.
BARD was founded with aim to research, develop, and produce microbiological products. The products are based on microbiological properties of the microorganism Pythium oligandrum to supress fungal, bacterial, and other ailments in humans and animals.
Production, development and export of therapeutic devices of patented 3D pulse therapy for clinical use and rehabilitation in home care. Biomag® therapeutic equipment is successfully delivered to more than 30 countries worldwide.
BLOCK Technology a.s. has developed a standard range of isolators which allow for flexible and safe handling of materials. Our isolator technology offers a user-friendly environment that makes work processes easier and safer.
We develop, produce and deliver a wide range of steam, hot air and chemical sterilizers, laboratory drying ovens and incubators, washer disinfectors and stainless steel furniture.
The core business of the company BV elektronik, s.r.o. is development and production of transformers, chokes and other inductive components for a wide range of industrial applications. We can find the best solutions to meet your requirements.
Family based company, which has been producing safes since 1995.
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