Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Industria della difesa
Design, research and development, production and sale of light sport aircraft in general aviation category, with more than 80 years tradition.
We provide a comprehensive package of environmental services: - survey and remediation of contaminated sites - waste air and water treatment - sustainable water management - sludge and dust processing - CBRN def. - laboratory and consulting services
Global provider of HW and SW solutions in Automotive, Aerospace, Cargo, Embedded Computing, IoT and Telematics, Industry 4.0, Design and OEM Production
Our area of expertise is precision machining (CNC Milling, CNC Turning, CNC EDM, grinding) and engineering. We specialize in contract manufacturing of small to medium series, including production of complex precision parts.
Energon AE is a Czech design and manufacturing company founded in Brno in 2011. It specializes in large-capacity battery systems and their interconnection with PV and wind power plants and fast charging stations. It forms part of the ENERGON HOLDING.
EO SECURITY s.r.o. specializes in developing and manufacturing advanced security products tailored to the specific requirements of our clients. We showcase our innovations annually at international trade shows such as ISS, Milipol, and Eurosatory.
ERA is a Czech, modern and innovative company with focus on NextGen surveillance technologies. ERA develops, manufactures and implements mission-critical systems for military and civil purposes.
ESP is a well-known manufacturer of varied devices for professional use and for personal defense. The numerous patents granted to our company confirm the uniqueness of our products. Over 90 % of production is exported into more than 60 countries.
EVPÚ Defence develops, produces, sells, and provides maintenance and repair services for electro-optical systems used in security and defense applications. The company's systems are deployed in more than 40 countries worldwide.
EXCALIBUR ARMY, member of CSG, is a leading Czech company in the field of production and sales of military technology and weapon systems for ground forces. The company develops, produces, modernizes and repairs ground-based military vehicles.
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