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Company catalogue
Our company has continual dynamic growth in all long. Nowadays we have established a significant position among producers of special electronics and Automatic Fuel Samplers especially for mining industry and power industry.
Manufacturing company ENERGO CHOCEN, successor of company ČKD, continues tradition of production such as high capacity compressor units, heat exchangers, pressure vessels etc. ENERGO provides a full complex of works as EPC contractor.
Energon AE is a Czech design and manufacturing company founded in Brno in 2011. It specializes in large-capacity battery systems and their interconnection with PV and wind power plants and fast charging stations. It forms part of the ENERGON HOLDING.
ENIKA.CZ is a major manufacturer of installation electronics and wireless control systems with its own research, development and testing centre.
Engineering company specialized in supply of technologies and implementation of turnkey projects in the area of power engineering on the eastern markets.
ENVITES specializes in equipment production and technological units for hydroseparation, offering solutions in liquid filtration, water treatment, and sludge thickening/dewatering with a personalized approach.
EO SECURITY s.r.o. is a Czech company founded in 2016 which specializes in developing and manufacturing advanced security products tailored to the specific requirements of clients. We showcase our innovations at international trade shows such as ISS World, Intersec, Milipol and Eurosatory.
ERA is a Czech, modern and innovative company with focus on NextGen surveillance technologies. ERA develops, manufactures and implements mission-critical systems for military and civil purposes.
We develop, manufacture and distribute locomotion aids, such as forearm crutches, underarm crutches, walking sticks and other medical equipment. We pay attention on the quality, functionality and design of our products.
We have been engaged in the development and production of agricultural technology for over 20 years, especially for silage and haylage baggers. We export our machines all over the world.
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