Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Industrie de l'électronique et de l'électrotechnique
CNC METAL has been engaged in engineering production and sheet metal processing using technologies from the TRUMPF company. Our main activity is the custom production of sheet metal products in high quality and with a high degree of added value.
Czech leader in outsourcing of hardware and software development, implementation and testing of embedded systems. We have been on the market for 20 years. Consilia is ready to be a partner in electronic design for customers all over the world.
CROSS Zlín, a.s. is a leading developer and manufacturer of technological components for road traffic infrastructure.
One of the leading well-established Czech company manufacturing printed circuit boards mainly for demanding high end applications serving high quality of production and services mainly in development of prototypes and evaluation series.
CMC is connecting companies from the shipping industry, research organizations and the related supply chain to increase market potential.
D2Drives (formerly KVELB) is one of the premium distributors of industrial drive solutions in the Czech Republic. As a major Siemens Solution Partner, the company holds qualified authorisations to modify almost all types of electrical motors.
We are a dynamic company with a global presence that, through the application of scientific knowledge, research and investment in education creates technologies that meet the latest trends in industrial automation, robotization and mechanization.
Global provider of HW and SW solutions in Automotive, Aerospace, Cargo, Embedded Computing, IoT and Telematics, Industry 4.0, Design and OEM Production
DIRAC Industries can rely on more than 60 years experience in the domain of electrical industrial heating. With our ample expertise and our brand new production facility, we can offer you a global solution that meets your every needs.
The company is focused on outsourcing in the field of electronics development. That includes embedded systems, industrial computers and other consumer electronics. Hardware design, firmware implementation and software for OS and mobile applications.
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