Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Eau, déchets et environnement
ACHENBACH-CZ: supplier and export firm: conveyer belt covers, Van der Graaf drum motors.
A leading Czech manufacturer of industrial valves, a supplier of piping and accessories, provider of services and counselling. The company has been operating on the market since 2000.
Czech engineering company with broad know-how in the field of process and production automation. Since 2000, it has been delivering its services to more than 50 countries across the world across industry segments.
The company projects and supplies animal farms on turn key basis and related milk and meat processing facilities, factories for feed production, storages of grain, components and wet-corn storages, complete solutions of water and waste treatement.
Our innovations are your competitive advantage. We understand that. You'll find several world-unique & patent-protected innovations in Water-meters, electrical installation devices and signaling devices in our company portfolio.
A supplier of complete small hydro equipment with Crossflow, Pelton, Kaplan and Francis turbines with capacity up to 10 MW per unit.
We provide a comprehensive package of environmental services: - survey and remediation of contaminated sites - waste air and water treatment - sustainable water management - sludge and dust processing - CBRN def. - laboratory and consulting services
Czech producer of welding equipment for plastic materials, which is focused on their further development, improvement and quality since its establischment in 1992. We offer a wide range of goods in this industry.
Comprehensive services from the design and implementation of heat management systems (boiler rooms, heat exchangers,…), including measurement and control, to custom manufacturing of technological elements or sales and service of specialized products.
Producer of containers for waste management and other techniques: large-volume containers, aboveground and semi-underground containers for selective collection, grit bins, underground and aboveground water tanks. Export to all Europe.
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