Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Water, Waste and Environment
ENVITES specializes in equipment production and technological units for hydroseparation, offering solutions in liquid filtration, water treatment, and sludge thickening/dewatering with a personalized approach.
World’s largest producer of cast basalt products with the tradition since 1951. Czech firm exporting its products of high-quality basalt almost all over the world. Wide application of abrasion and chemical resistant products in many industries.
EVECO Brno is Czech research, engineering & supply company that focuses on efficient solutions in the area of thermal process, energy use of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, heat utilization, flue gas cleaning and supply of related technologies.
A specialist in the service of pipeline systems. Producer spec. equipment for pipeline systems. Supplier of complete pipeline repair systems.
Trade company focused on the business with the pharmaceuticals and the nanotechnologies in different industries
Sale of metallurgical materiál, metal scrap collecting, ecological liquidation of car wrecks, Production of steel grating, bending of reinforcing steel, Production of atypical meshes, cutting of pipes and metal scheets using laser and plasma.
The Czech engineering company HESTEGO a.s. is a manufacturer of contactless hand sanitiser and Smart Be waste containers and sheet metal processor.
We develop our own hydrogen technology, in particular FUEL CELL fuel cells, mobile hydrogen filling stations and other hydrogen applications.
Since its inception, IN-EKO TEAM company specializes in equipment for the wastewater treatment plant. During our existence we have successfully installed more than 3,000 devices around the world.
JaP-Jacina specializes in flood protection. It has extensive experience in protection against torrential rains and floods and offers comprehensive solutions for buildings as well as areas in flood zones of cities and river basins.
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