Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
General Mechanical and Precision Engineering, Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment
World’s largest producer of cast basalt products with the tradition since 1951. Czech firm exporting its products of high-quality basalt almost all over the world. Wide application of abrasion and chemical resistant products in many industries.
EVECO Brno is Czech research, engineering & supply company that focuses on efficient solutions in the area of thermal process, energy use of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, heat utilization, flue gas cleaning and supply of related technologies.
A specialist in the service of pipeline systems. Producer spec. equipment for pipeline systems. Supplier of complete pipeline repair systems.
We specialize in metal cutting technology. Sales, service, material consultancy. Offer saw blades (from manual to high-output), saw blades, saw blades and wheels for wood, metal, plastic.
Company FERIA BOHEMIA s.r.o. fully available commercial services between Spanish and Czech markets. It allows to Czech companies to enter Spanish markets. We specialize in international business activities.
Company Ferram was founded in 1991 and is located in Opava. We are manufacturing company strongly oriented on foreign markets.
Ferrit is a private Czech company with global presence founded in 1993; developing, producing and providing complex, safe and efficient transport solutions, movement of material and people in coal and ore mines and also underground tunnel building.
FOLLER manufactures and supplies complete lines for continuous pultrusion technology of composite profiles based on glass, polymer, carbon or natural fiber reinforcement. Our technology is ready for clean recycled waste-free ecological production.
We produce machines for silvicultural operations and concentrating timber in tractor and cable terrains. Their parameters are suitable for use in protected landscape areas and national parks.
The company FORM s.r.o. produces and supplies plastic components mainly designed for machines, vehicles, and other equipment. The technological equipment allows offering parts made of both thermoplastics and composites.
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