Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Defense Industry
The company FORM s.r.o. produces and supplies plastic components mainly designed for machines, vehicles, and other equipment. The technological equipment allows offering parts made of both thermoplastics and composites.
Manufacturing of aluminum and stainless steel components for rail and air transport, and the energy, defense and construction industries. Certifications: DIN EN 15085-2 (CL1), EN 1090-1 (EXC3), EN ISO 3834-2, EN ISO 9001:2016,
Company has long-term experience in the production of protective full face masks. We also focus on the production of rubber and plastic parts for the automotive industry. The production of protective masks began in 1935, when our company was founded.
A leading suplier of security solutions for the defence industry, critical infrastructure and civil defence that protect people, business and society. Advice and consultation of our team of experts and scientists. Safety is our highest priority!
Jihostroj a.s. is a Czech manufacturing company, known as a leading producer of top quality gear hydraulics and aviation engineering, mainly components for fuel systems of aircrafts and propeller speed controllers.
We are a Czech-Taiwanese company founded in 2008. We collaborate with companies from the Czech Republic and abroad (Germany, Austria, ...). Our focus: Manufacturing and sale of furniture components, Facilitation of custom parts production
We are engaged in trade in the field of helicopter maintenance of the Mi Series helicopters, engines, gearboxes and other aggregates, training of flight and ground staff providing spare parts for maintenance of helicopters & their aggregates.
Development, production and sale of aircraft instruments, military communication systems and industrial products. The products are used aboard aircraft on all continents and perform demanding tasks on vehicles of the Czech Armed Forces.
METAL ARSENAL is an established Czech company with 25 years of experience in the metalworking industry, we provide design and development work. Since 2010, we have been developing and selling folding products for environmental protection - Eccotarp.
Based in the Czech Republic, an innovative company Nanologix was founded with the aim of commercializing research and development of respiratory masks with a common inspiratory and expiratory valve. The main goal of this company is to innovate.
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