Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Verschiedene Arten von Transport- und Handhabungstechnik
High-Tech Manufacturing - WE MAKE IT POSSIBLE
We develop our own hydrogen technology, in particular FUEL CELL fuel cells, mobile hydrogen filling stations and other hydrogen applications.
INCO engineering produces and supplies a full package of machines and equipment for vertical and inclined transport in underground and open-pit mines. We offer modernisation of braking system and mechanical and electrical part of mining equipment.
Main subject of the company Jindřich Brož - EVATRANS is an international road transport of goods between Czech Republic and Italy. We specialize mainly in part load goods using our own fleet of trucks.
Kabelovna Kabex a.s. is a manufacturer of special halogen-free, fire-retardant and fire-resistant cables intended mainly for energy, including nuclear power plants, refineries, the chemical industry and tunnel construction.
KNOB ENGINES s.r.o. is the R&D company which has developed unique patented Birotary engine
KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, a.s. is a manufacturer of equipment for the chemical and petrochemical industry, as well as for the power generation industry. The company also manufactures cranes with lifting capacity up to 450 tons and large welded steel structures.
We provide international transportation of goods incl. ADR, Thermo/Frigo mode. We will also solve sea, air, rail and oversized transport for you. Our other services include: additional transport insurance, storage and customs representation.
We offer the highest quality machinery and tooling for production of components and assemblies for industrial and handling equipment, agricultural machinery, subways, etc. In-time deivery, ensured quality and a satisfied customer are our goals.
We develop and manufacture GPS devices (different types for different purposes) and run the Positrex service - a monitoring system/web app or mobile app. Our GPS devices have use in fleet tracking, railways and intermodal transport.
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