Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
A leading suplier of security solutions for the defence industry, critical infrastructure and civil defence that protect people, business and society. Advice and consultation of our team of experts and scientists. Safety is our highest priority!
We are a family-owned construction and machinery company based in Usti nad Labem, specialized in installation of thermal, cold and noise insulation, especially in the construction, energy, chemical, paper and food industry.
JaP-Jacina specializes in flood protection. It has extensive experience in protection against torrential rains and floods and offers comprehensive solutions for buildings as well as areas in flood zones of cities and river basins.
We are the producers of sectional garage and industrial doors. We also produce sliding doors, side doors, rolling doors, aluminium gates and fences.
Kabelovna Kabex a.s. is a manufacturer of special halogen-free, fire-retardant and fire-resistant cables intended mainly for energy, including nuclear power plants, refineries, the chemical industry and tunnel construction.
We belong amongst leading manufacturers of rotary heat exchangers. Our heat exchangers excel in state-of-the-art technology, premium quality and high efficient transfer of heat and humidity. We offer a complete service, design and consulting.
Leading Czech manufacturer of ball valves and check valves intended for harsh industrial environments, especially in the fields of oil & gas industry, power engineering, heat, chemical and petrochemical industries.
KOPOS KOLÍN a.s. successfully continue in the traditional production which started in the year 1926. The main production assortment is wiring material, wiring boxes, wiring trunkings, flexible pipes, rigid wiring pipes, cable supporting system.
QUALITY – INTEGRITY – INNOVATION – DESIGN As a reliable partner, the KORADO Group provides solutions for small- and largescale heating and cooling projects. Innovation is the guarantee of high quality products and modern design.
We are LIKO-S, a Czech family business. We have a clear vision, corporate philosophy and culture. Our products are the result of our own development and manufacturing. Since 1992, we have established branches in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
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