Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
The SPIELBERG is a small boutique winery that has been producing its famous wines since 2002. You can find our wines in Prague Michelin restaurants and top wine bars. We were titled “The best winery in Czech Republic” in 2017.
A long term manufacturer of chassis for trailers, as well as, assy parts and sub-assy parts.
TEPfactor is world-wide unique among entertainment centers. Fun and adventure for everyone. Whether you have a family program, or are planning a teambuilding, corporate event or something else, TEPfactor will prepare everything under one roof.
TESLA lighting is a Czech brand and a Czech company known worldwide as a leading supplier of light sources and lighting for all segments of family and professional life.
TMT is a leading Czech manufacturer of automated conveyor systems and robotic workplaces with a worldwide presence. Depending on your specific requirements, we will propose the most optimal solution – tailor make projects.
TTC MARCONI is one of the leading Czech system integrators in ICT and security fields. It is a major manufacturer and supplier of key elements of comms infrastructure. It designs and implements solutions especially for critical infrastructure.
Active in production and development of technical gas mixtures mainly focussed on fire alarm control-FAC testing.
Marketing that your property deserves.
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