Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Potravinářský průmysl
ACHENBACH-CZ: supplier and export firm: conveyer belt covers, Van der Graaf drum motors.
We specialize in development, manufacture and distribution of soluble drink mixes, and in the technology for their preparation. We work with distributors connected to vending machines, hospitals, canteens, cafés, restaurants, hotels and retail.
Our company was founded in 1912. Since 1962, we have been producing flexible packaging (mono and multilayer materials, PRE-MADE bags, paper and aluminum). Today we are the biggest producer of flexible packaging in the Czech Republic.
We are an engineering company with tradition since 1949. We offer turn-key solutions in oil and gas, food industry, chemical industry and cryotechnology. We also offer civil works projects delivery focused on industrial plants development.
Czech engineering company with broad know-how in the field of process and production automation. Since 2000, it has been delivering its services to more than 50 countries across the world across industry segments.
The company projects and supplies animal farms on turn key basis and related milk and meat processing facilities, factories for feed production, storages of grain, components and wet-corn storages, complete solutions of water and waste treatement.
Producer of premium mineral water Bohemia Quelle with a unique composition. Water is suitable for daily use for any age groups. The main component is fulvic acid - very rare matter necessary for right function of living organismus.
Czech family company focuses on CO2 extraction of technical varieties of cannabis. We offer cannabis cosmetics and food supplements, as well as sell cannabis raw materials wholesale. All batches are tested by an independent lab. Quality comes first.
The company Blatinie a.s. is one of the main Czech manufacturers of food packaging and other packaging products. The company's portfolio includes the sale of packaging machines, their service and packaging production for the Bag in Box systém too.
Company Bluetouch, s.r.o. exclusively imports alcoholic beverages from the Czech Republic to Asia, mostly China, Hongkong, South Korea and Japan.
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