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Company catalogue
Tommi, founded in 1989, is one of the leading companies in the field of pet care in the Czech Republic with export activities to 30 countries. Our offer includes 3,500 attractive items.
TOMO TOMO offers a wide range of services in the field of sales representation in the Czech Republic and abroad, marketing services, graphic work and translation.
We manually bend our furniture in the same workshops where this technology has been in use since 1861. Our products are a connection of quality, innovative shapes and a legacy to the place that has learned to understand the wood for generations.
Residing in Nový Jičín, TONAK a.s. is one of the biggest and most influential global headwear manufacturers. Two hundred years of manufacturing tradition in Nový Jičín and Strakonice along with extensive know-how guarantee high quality products.
Manufacturer of scales, weighing equipment, weighing systems and also products from sheet metal and machine parts, CNC punching, CNC bending, pressing, drilling, metalworking, welding, painting etc.
TOOL TECH CZ is a Czech medium-sized tool shop that continues the more than 60 years long tool and metal-work tradition. We offer the design and production of dies for cold forming sheet and control, gauging and assembly fixtures..
TOPCORE service s.r.o. is a manufacturer and supplier of adhesives, equipment and accessories to the paper industry, mainly for the production of paper tubes and protective edges.
A company specializing in the production of wastewater treatment plants and the supply of treatment technologies. It maintains its leading position through excellent development of new technologies patented worldwide. It ensures the highest technical level of wastewater treatment.
The company TOS Olomouc, s.r.o. is one of the traditional manufacturers of knee-type milling machines with a tradition of more than 80 years.
The world's leading company develops, produces and sells machine tools, complemented by a wide range of services and accessories.
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