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Company catalogue
We are a Czech-Taiwanese company founded in 2008. We collaborate with companies from the Czech Republic and abroad (Germany, Austria, ...). Our focus: Manufacturing and sale of furniture components, Facilitation of custom parts production
KERAMTECH Ltd. Zacler - a leading manufacturer of technical and foundry ceramics since 1878. The main assortment is ceramic filters for filtering of molten metal, technical and heating ceramics, electroporcelain parts.
Development and production of food supplements, cosmetics and unique hard boiled lozenges (luxury candies) from non-traditional herbs with a high content of herbal extract and a unique taste. Suitable for diabetics, vegans and allergy sufferers.
Production of safety bicycle stands, charging stations for electric bicycles and parking boxes for bicycles. Production of a standing dispenser for hand disinfection.
Processing and sale of frozen sea fish and specialties. Production of supplementary feed for pets.
Our focus is application of machine learning for image recognition. We have experience with plant identification -- for mobile apps, smart gardening or agriculture.
KNOB ENGINES s.r.o. is the R&D company which has developed unique patented Birotary engine
KOPOS KOLÍN a.s. successfully continue in the traditional production which started in the year 1926. The main production assortment is wiring material, wiring boxes, wiring trunkings, flexible pipes, rigid wiring pipes, cable supporting system.
We are family company, operating since 1999 in machining, welding and locksmithing. Turning from diams 5-106 mm from bar materials and flange machining up to diameter 1000 mm. Milling of small and large components. Welding MIG+TIG.
We only have two products, but we give them more care. Since 1968 we have been producing technological equipment for poultry breeding. We provide not only production, but also delivery and assembly. We also produce KOVOBEL storage containers.
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