Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Automobilový průmysl
The biggest Czech producer of antifreeze coolants, heat transfer fluids and brake fluids. Supplier of lubricants and fluids for industry, concurrently producer of private labels products.
Czech leader in outsourcing of hardware and software development, implementation and testing of embedded systems. We have been on the market for 20 years. Consilia is ready to be a partner in electronic design for customers all over the world.
We are a dynamic company with a global presence that, through the application of scientific knowledge, research and investment in education creates technologies that meet the latest trends in industrial automation, robotization and mechanization.
Global provider of HW and SW solutions in Automotive, Aerospace, Cargo, Embedded Computing, IoT and Telematics, Industry 4.0, Design and OEM Production
The company is focused on outsourcing in the field of electronics development. That includes embedded systems, industrial computers and other consumer electronics. Hardware design, firmware implementation and software for OS and mobile applications.
EcoGlass,a.s. is a Czech-based company manufacturing molded precision glass components dedicated to lighting applications for automotive, airfield lighting or components for solar power plants, LED systems or decorative purposes.
We provide an extensive range of electrical services for the commercial and industrial sectors across Europe
Our area of expertise is precision machining (CNC Milling, CNC Turning, CNC EDM, grinding) and engineering. We specialize in contract manufacturing of small to medium series, including production of complex precision parts.
Energon AE is a Czech design and manufacturing company founded in Brno in 2011. It specializes in large-capacity battery systems and their interconnection with PV and wind power plants and fast charging stations. It forms part of the ENERGON HOLDING.
We have been operating on the market for twenty years now and became the largest Czech industrial screens supplier. As well, we deal with technical clothes, perforated sheets, wire conveyor belts and filters.
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