Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Automobilový průmysl
ACHENBACH-CZ: supplier and export firm: conveyer belt covers, Van der Graaf drum motors.
Advanced Engineering s.r.o. offers engineering services in automotive, aerospace, rail and general machinery industries. Advanced Engineering is focusing on CAE and static simulations, crash tests, optimization, CFD, EM, metal 3D printing, etc.
Auspi Europe is the right partner for PCB, FPC supplies, electronic assembly or assembly of finished products.
Manufacturing and export of original lifting equipment for passenger cars which can safe your time, space and money and helps to its users from the whole world to be more effective.
AV R&D is the leading Czech company in the development of mechanical engineering products. We provide services for the development, design, technical calculations, testing and measurement. We are supplier of special testing stands.
We´re purely Czech engineering company and we´ve been focused on the development and production of individual steel warehousing and transport systems. We´re flexible supplier of certified steel pallets for tires, containers, platforms etc.
Producer of precise milled parts and assemblies up to 1,5m mainly for aerospace, space, optical industry and automotive. We are focusing for prototype and small/ medium serial production.
Czech engineering company with broad know-how in the field of process and production automation. Since 2000, it has been delivering its services to more than 50 countries across the world across industry segments.
Blumenbecker Prag offers a range of industrial automation and robotization services to help you meet your individual needs. We deliver solutions.
BRANOMARKET s.r.o. is trading company of BRANO GROUP. Main business of Branomarket is selling of products produced by BRANO a.s. Parts for automotive business (cars, trucks, busses) and lifting devices for garages and etc.
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