Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
Company catalogue
Traditional Czech manufacturer of electrical materials, plastic and metal parts, molds and tools. Installation of wiring harnesses. OEM custom manufacturing including assembly.
Our brand represents a company with over 75 years of tradition in the development and production of low-voltage breaking devices. OEZ is a complex supplier of products and services in the field of the low-voltage electrical circuits.
Production of injected, painted and assembled plastic parts. We produce protective products and parts for the automotive, pharmaceutical and electrical industries.
Diary OLMA is a traditional producer of milk, butter, yoghurts and other diary products since 1967. From the hearth of Moravia Olma is processing fresh products while keeping with the latest consumer trends.
We are a dynamic and constantly evolving company operating in the construction and automotive industries. The team of 135 employees represents the foundation for the growth and development of effective cooperation with customers and suppliers.
OPTOKON, a.s. is a leading global organization providing connectivity and infrastructure solutions for organizations of all sizes. OPTOKON, an ISO & AQAP approved company provides complete networking solutions unrivalled within the industry today.
Craft engineering company built with people who understand their job.
Company is a manufacturer of simple Detection Devices in form of Strips, Papers and Tubes to detect presence of Chemical Warfare Agents and Toxic Industrial Compounds.
ORLIČAN - Your airplane supplier since 1935
We are an engineering and SW company providing our products and services to customers in the field of production and distribution of thermal energy. We focus mainly on the development of SW for modeling and effective management of heating systems.
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