Make use of contacts with Czech manufacturers and service providers
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We are Czech engineering company. We specialize in machining technically complicated parts up to weight approx. 40 kg ordered in medium series (batches approx. 50 - 2000 pcs). We produce parts on the base of supplied drawings.
We are Czech manufacturer of industrial pump units for refineries, chemistry, energy and water management. Our factory is equipped with the latest hydraulic testing bench in the Czech Republic and we do custom production piece by piece.
We are producers of original high quality oven called Remoska produced already for 60 years in Czech Republic. We are also producers of others kitchenwares products.
Is a family company with experiences since 1990 and is a leader and only producer of wallpapers in the Czech Republic. The company also manufactures flexible packaging based on gluing aluminum and paper together and wraping paper production.
OPTOKON, a.s. is a leading global organization providing connectivity and infrastructure solutions for organizations of all sizes. OPTOKON, an ISO & AQAP approved company provides complete networking solutions unrivalled within the industry today.
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